Why now’s the time to make business dreams a reality

How was it for you?

Brexit Day may have been more political than practical, but coming at the start of a new decade, it reflects that new beginnings are in the air.

Successful recruiters who are ambitious to earn the kind of money that only comes with running their own agency will also be considering their future.

With clarity that Brexit is now happening, is it a good time to strike and start a recruitment business?

“Unquestionably, yes,” says Paul Mizen, Managing Director of The Recruit Venture Group.

“We’re going full throttle now to find recruiters who want to earn without limits. We have the finance and we offer a full package of support — we just need recruiters who have that passion to build a business that will set them up for life. 

“More clarity on Brexit improves confidence and we are certainly seeing that in recruitment and in the wider economy. But whatever the future holds with Brexit, recruiters should look at the bigger picture. Do they want to join those we have already helped create and grow businesses worth millions?

“If the answer is yes, we can have their agency up and running before the summer — they just need to contact us.”

There has been encouraging news coming out of the economy since the turn of the new year.

The recent JobsOutlook report from the Recruitment and Employer Confederation (REC) said employer confidence in making hiring and investment decisions was on the up at the end of 2019. The report said demand for temporary and permanent workers was also increasing.

REC also said that even with a turbulent 2018/19, the UK recruitment industry hit £38.9 billion in turnover in the year to March 2019. £33.4 billion of this was for temporary and contract placements.

Furthermore, the Bank of England has also suggested the global economy is recovering and in January the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) announced employment levels were at record highs.

The positive news backs up why The Recruit Venture Group is eager to make 2020 a big year for supporting recruiters into business ownership.

All of the finance needed for launch is offered, completely risk free. That means no dodgy debt, and no risking personal assets like a house or car, or losing all your life savings.

The Recruit Venture Group’s joint venture model is tried and tested over many years. Those interested are encouraged to speak to the 60 business leaders who have taken that step themselves and never looked back.

The Recruit Venture Group works hand-in-hand with each recruiter to establish and build the business they want. Their brand, their recruitment approach, their values and their business goals and targets.

Want to open five offices over five years? No problem. The Recruit Venture Group will support your business planning.

By offering all of the back office support a recruitment agency could need, each business hits the ground running. All of the accounts, payroll, IT, credit control, legal and marketing are dealt with. That means all of the focus can be on recruitment and driving revenues.


The UK is set to grow so launch your business now!

If anyone was putting off launching a business due to political deadlock.The British public has just put that uncertainty decisively to bed.

A crushing win for Boris Johnson’s Conservatives appears to have been due in large part to a vote for getting on with Brexit and getting on with the next chapter for the country.

For those in business, you only need to look at the immediate surging of the pound and share prices to realise the effect clarity can have on confidence.

That also brings a big opportunity for experienced, enterprising people in recruitment who always wanted to launch their own start-up.

Many businesses have been holding off big capital expenditure because they want to be able to plan with confidence. Although Brexit still has a long way to go, many business leaders are now expected to release cash to spend on new projects, new research, expanding operations, and of course, recruitment.

That leaves the door open for new recruitment businesses to take advantage of this wave of new investment, especially if they can act quickly.

The Recruit Venture Group is set up to bring businesses to market fast. The process from first contact with us to first day of trading can be as little as a few months. That means if there is a big upsurge in recruitment opportunities, we can put you in the position to take advantage.

Our joint venture model puts everything in place to turn a recruiter’s business vision into reality quickly and effectively.

We have all of the finance ready to go, completely risk free. We supply a streamlined, industry leading back office solution from day one, including payroll, credit control, accounts, HR, IT and much more. And the experienced, savvy business brains in The Recruit Venture Group can help fine tune a business plan to make an even bigger instant impact.

You do not risk one penny of your own money and as a recruiter, we make sure you focus on recruitment. We have already supported 60 recruiters launch fantastic businesses, including during the political uncertainty of the last three to four years. The Recruit Venture Group model has been stress-tested and has still delivered businesses which have grown to be worth millions within just a few years.

Managing Director of The Recruit Venture Group, Paul Mizen said: “Like any business leader, I welcome certainty, and that’s what this election has delivered.

“In fairness, we have been launching businesses since the EU referendum, because we believe in what we do, and the results speak for themselves.

“2020 is looking to be a phenomenal opportunity for recruiters who want to start their own business and really profit from what should be a year of big business planning and big investment. We’re ready to make it happen for them.”


The KEY lesson recruiters should learn from General Election 2019

Is there anything about the current General Election campaign, and the state of politics in general, that can help recruiters be better at their jobs?

It’s hard to put your finger on much.

But one there’s one common thing among political parties of all colours. They are promising the earth.

Whether it’s free broadband, magically finding billions for the NHS and police, a ‘green revolution’ or solving Brexit – they can do it all.

Do we believe that?

Because it is one thing to promise, it is another thing to deliver. And when you fail to deliver, you make people very upset.

Recruiters are often tempted to over-promise in the hope of securing more business. But they know it will come back to bite them eventually. Many a politician has suffered the same fate, and may well do again after the public has its say on December 12.

But too often, recruitment professionals don’t have the freedom to offer the type of service they want. They want to go the extra mile, but sometimes wonder if the rewards are worth it, or are pressured to cut corners. They want to impress clients and candidates, but their agency just isn’t geared up or resourced to offer that exceptional service.

Above all, good recruiters don’t want to over-promise and under-deliver. They don’t want to fall into the politician’s trap.

The Recruit Venture Group was set up precisely to give those driven, talented recruiters the chance to break free of all limitations and start their own businesses.

That includes the freedom to shape the brand, its ethos, and develop the approach to recruitment they always wanted to, but never could as employees.

We have supported 60 recruiters to start their own agencies, serving a huge range of sectors. Under their leadership, they are building phenomenal businesses by delivering the recruitment service they always knew would work if only they had the chance.

Their earnings have multiplied, and they are building businesses worth millions, offering them a financial future they could only have dreamt of.

And the rewarding thing is, it is all down to their vision and hard work.

The Recruit Venture Group offers 100% of the finance needed for launch. You do not need to rely on a penny of your savings or assets.

We then help you get your business off the ground, establishing it legally, with office premises, a website and any staff you need. Alongside this we offer a comprehensive back office solution for the lifetime of the business, including payroll, credit control, accounts, IT, HR, marketing, and more.

Your focus is on recruitment.

And The Recruit Venture Group doesn’t over-promise either. In fact, we encourage you to talk to some of the 60 people who have already taken this step with us and hear how their lives have been transformed.


Don’t allow Brexit dithering to keep your business dreams waiting

It has been well over three years since the EU referendum. While Boris Johnson wants to be the Prime Minister who ‘gets Brexit done’, we still face uncertainty on when, how and even if we will leave the EU.

If the UK leaves with a deal, that’s still only the first step in a long process. Whatever happens, we’re probably in for the long haul.

For recruiters, uncertainty is a given, but business goes on. But for those recruiters who are thinking of breaking free and starting their own business, the current climate may see those plans pushed to the back-burner. That’s a mistake, according to Paul Mizen, Managing Director of The Recruit Venture Group.

The Recruit Venture Group, which supports motivated, entrepreneurial and talented recruiters to start their own enterprises, has been continuing to support the launch of new recruitment agencies throughout 2019, unfazed by Brexit ‘noise’.

“We invest in people,” says Paul.

“Show me a recruiter who has the right attitude – that passion to deliver for clients and candidates and the desire to make money – and I will show you someone who will absolutely thrive running their own agency.

“The Recruit Venture Group model is all about reducing risk and uncertainty and giving talented recruiters the freedom to unleash their potential.

“We support around 60 recruitment business leaders up and down the country, working in a variety of sectors of the economy, so we have a pretty good feel for what’s going on. Those leaders are proving that if you are driven, committed and determined to grow a business, today’s market remains very healthy.

“We’ve supported the launch of new businesses in 2019 and we’ll keep doing it in 2020 because our model works and is delivering results. If you are an experienced recruiter looking to start their own business, for me the best time was yesterday, but the next best thing is today.”

Last month’s data from the Office for National Statistics also showed that the UK employment rate was the joint highest on record, with  wage growth at an 11-year high. Those recruiters who have been putting off starting their own business have been missing opportunities.

Recruiters who have started their business journeys with the help of The Recruit Venture Group this year have done so for clear reasons. It is about being their own boss, shaping their business and brand and making the kind of money for themselves that they were making for other people..

Those are key principles for starting a business – Brexit or no Brexit.

The Recruit Venture Group helps make it happen by providing 100% of the finance needed for launch, risk free, while also offering a full back office function including accounts, IT, payroll, credit control, HR and marketing. This allows the recruiter to focus on clients and candidates, and building revenues from the first day.


GDPR – it’s getting closer

It’s something we’ve commented on before, and we probably will again, but the GDPR issue is getting hotter by the day.

On the domestic front you may feel that Christmas is getting closer, but in business terms May 2018 is just around the corner too.

 For all the talk about Europe just now, one thing is certain. By May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation will be in force. It’s going to apply to any UK company dealing with the EU. And don’t think for a moment that BREXIT will get you off the hook. It won’t. When we’re out of Europe we’re still going to be in the GDPR.

You’ll know by now that General Data Protection Regulation is aimed at ensuring that companies ‘take care of and respect’ the personal data they hold on customers, and indeed prospective customers.

But how much do you know about the details and implications of it?

Do you know about the fines for example? They can be ‘up to €20,000,000 or 4% of Global Turnover of a business, whichever is the higher’. That’s costly, but it brings the potential collateral damage to a company’s reputation as well.

How about training? Compliance will be everything and to deliver that you’ll need staff who are properly trained. It’s complicated you see, because the rules are that you don’t just have to comply – you also have to demonstrate how you comply.

And that means a whole lot more record keeping and updating of I.T processes, and the security of them.

Weak security will cause problems other than the obvious ones. For instance, any significant data breach will have to be reported – more admin! – to the local supervisory authority within 72 hours. On top of which a personal breach has to be reported ‘without undue delay’ to the ‘subject’ of the breach.

Now, you might feel that, as someone giving serious thought to setting up a recruitment business, all of this is not relevant to you. The catch is that the more serious you are about setting up, and the more serious you are about growing your business, the more relevant it becomes.

For a start you’ll have responsibilities concerning candidates. You know, those people whose personal data you hold. See the point?

And then there are the clients. You’ll want to aim high, so you’ll be talking to businesses of a certain size, and the chances are that they’ll be dealing with the EU.

Yes, the BREXIT word comes up again, but let’s be frank. Whatever happens, and however new deals are struck, commerce with European countries and companies is not going to stop is it? Many of the quality companies on your target client list will be just the sort of people who are determined to seize the positives out of the coming changes.

So, if you’re getting closer to starting up, you’re getting closer to some new responsibilities. Just when you need to be focusing on what you do best, and love most, which is recruiting.

At The Recruit Venture Group we specialise in helping recruitment professionals start up their own businesses.

We guide you through the legalities of setting up, helping you to arrange premises, branding, website and marketing.

Vitally, we provide 100% risk free funding. You get shares in, and dividends from, your own company. You’ll be able to pay yourself a salary from the start, giving you the peace of mind to concentrate on recruitment.

To help you do that really well you get full access to our back office and systems. That’s even more peace of mind. Cash flow and invoicing all taken care of.

But here’s the thing. We have other resources for you. Expert advice and guidance on big issues. Issues like GDPR. We won’t let you fall short in running your business – note that, your business – when it comes to legislation and regulations.

We’ll be providing quite a package, so we do need to know that you have five years consecutive experience in the recruitment industry, and ideally three years track record within the same sector.

If you do, and you’re close to starting up, get close to us.