Leadership – A vital requirement for running your own recruitment business

Taking that step into running your own business can be daunting, for a variety of reasons. But perhaps the most challenging of all is deciding if you really are a leader. So far, working hard and doubtless achieving results, you’ve been part of the team. Most likely you’ve been a senior member of the team. You’ve probably made it to running your own desk for example.

So what exactly is leadership?

It’s a big question, and one that’s debated endlessly. Recently, the management coach Chris Hallberg has approached the subject in a new book. He says that leadership is really all about one main thing. In an interview he said that “A leader’s primary job is to be a support system for their employees. Serving them in any way you can will not only benefit your rapport with each employee but will also benefit the company and its culture as a whole.”

It makes sense. But, picture yourself as a new start up. Let’s assume you’ve arranged some finance. That has to be good. But now, top of your mind most of the time is making the repayments. Plus, you’ll be up to your neck in arranging the IT and systems you need, finalising the seemingly endless details of your new premises, getting your marketing sorted out, trying to arrange credit with the local press and national job boards and – oh yes – trying to find clients and candidates so you can actually get on with some recruitment. Which is going to pay the bills.

Will you have time to be a supportive leader?

That would seem to be the next big question. How are you going to lead your new business, and be a support system for your staff, when you’re so tied up with all these demands that come with running your own business? Frankly you’ll be ticking all of the above boxes, before you really have a chance to support and lead your team. Which is ironic really, because running your own show, and leading your own team is pretty much why you started up in the first place.

Maybe the way to be a supportive leader is to have your own support system.

We think that’s the secret to it. Which is why, at The Recruit Venture Group, we’ve devised the business model that’s aimed specifically at helping recruitment professionals start up on their own.

For a start we provide 100% risk free funding. You’ll get shares in, and dividends from, your own company. A key element is that you’ll be able to pay yourself a salary from the start, which means you’ll have the freedom to concentrate on the job.It’s an important piece of peace of mind.

We’ll help you with all the legalities of finding premises and we’ll help sort your marketing and branding.  We’ll handle your invoicing and cash flow too.

And then, we’ll give you full access to our back office and systems. You’ll be up and running, effective and efficient, from the day you open your doors.

With that level of support network behind you, you can get out in front and lead. With the time to offer support to your team. Which will make them more productive. Which will make your business grow.

It’s working for start ups all over the uk, and we’d like to see if we can help you. We’d like to know that you’ve got five years continuous experience in recruitment, and you’re  serious about starting up on your own. We’d like to know that you’ve specialised in a sector and run your own desk. And then we’d like to get know you.


When you have your own recruitment brand, will you be able to handle employer branding?

The buoyancy of the recruitment market is obviously a good thing. And it’s a good reason to do something about that dream of yours to start your own recruitment business.

The positive state of the sector is largely fuelled by the employment figures. With unemployment low, there is a demand for candidates and skills; a demand that means recruiters need to work that bit harder to find the right person for the right role.

A key strategy in that climate is the Employer Brand. It’s a concept that’s developed a lot in recent years but right now it can perform a really useful function. With the need to prise high quality candidates away from their current roles comes the need to impress on them a fuller, more rounded, picture of the business that’s trying to attract them. It’s about being seen as a good place to work; an organisation that looks after its people. It’s crucial to convey that this is a place with the right credentials, the right outlook and the right attitudes.

The time premium.

The problem for you as a recruiter is that you’ll need to work alongside employers to help them develop their employer brand. And that takes time.

No matter how dedicated and committed you are as a new recruitment start up, time  will be at a premium.  You will be keeping more plates spinning than you ever have before. Suddenly it’s not just about running your desk, it’s about running a business. Premises, legal issues, staff issues, IT problems, salaries, tax…..it goes on. There will also be the bank manager to keep happy, and your bills to pay. And that’s without actually getting on with recruitment. So how do you fit in the time to develop client relationships to the point where you can sit down with them to discuss and evolve their employer brand?

The premium solution.

At The Recruit Venture Group we believe we’ve developed the ideal solution.  Our sole purpose is to provide the best possible, specifically designed, overall help to recruitment professionals who want to start their own businesses.

With our backing you will have

  • 100% risk free funding
  • shares in your own company
  • help with legal matters, premises and marketing
  • the ability to pay yourself a salary
  • access to our back office systems.


What all of that adds up to is the peace of mind and time you need to really concentrate on your business. And with that comes the freedom and focus to work with clients to deliver for them that extra bit of difference, that employer branding. Which makes them succeed. Which makes you succeed.


Statistics – it’s about seeing the positives.

Could this be the best time ever to start your own recruitment business?

Statistics released last month reveal that the number of 16 to 64 year olds in work had reached around 75%. What’s more, that’s higher than a year earlier and the joint highest since records began in 1971.

At first glance that could be seen as less than great news for recruiters. Everybody is in work, so what’s to do? But here’s the thing. As an experienced recruitment professional you know that people look for work, and often find it easier to find new work – when they are in work.

In fact, what with skills being at a premium and the employment market being in good health, this could be a really good time to think about starting your own recruitment business.

The experience you’ve gained, which helps you see the logic of the argument about people in work making good job seeking candidates, is probably driving you to think about it anyway. What experienced consultant hasn’t thought about it? Running the desk, hitting the figures – only for someone else to take the rewards – are catalysts for a lot of people sitting where you are right now.

It’s taking the step out of employment, and into business ownership, that holds a lot of them back. The risk is the thing.

How about 100% risk free funding?

That would make a difference wouldn’t it? It’s the basis of the package available from The Recruit Venture Group. We specialise in backing recruitment professionals to start on their own. We provide 100% funding, and give you shares in your own company. You’ll be able to pay yourself a salary, so the  security and peace of mind you need are rock solid.

We’ll help with legal issues, and guidance on everything from taxation to premises. We help with your marketing.

Crucially, we give you access to our back office systems, ensuring that you’re operational and efficient from day one.


Watch your back!

Good advice for any would be recruitment start up. 

Plainly it makes sense to be wary, vigilant and aware. Starting up in the recruitment business is a big step to take. More specifically though it’s about watching your back office.

If you’re seriously contemplating starting up on your own you’re probably, in our experience, already heading up a team, or a Temp Desk. There’s no doubting, we’re sure, that you know the business. From establishing a relationship with key players at the client, to gaining the confidence of candidates, you’ve got it covered.

And every day you ‘make it happen’.

But where would you be without the systems?

The short answer is ‘stuck’! The admin systems are what makes it all work. However good you are at the job you need the technology, database, forms and documents that turn applications into placements. It’s not just about those nice people in the IT Department who come and turn it off and on again when things go wrong. It’s about the specialist, industry specific, back office technology without which a recruitment business is a lost cause.

Do you want to start up with systems that work from day one?

Of course you do! But with legal incorporation, premises, branding, website and marketing to sort there’s a lot else to be getting on with. And that’s without actually sorting the financial backing to get started in the first place.

There’ always that guy you know who’s good at IT. Yeah right. But is he good at recruitment systems? Probably not.

At The Recruit Venture Group we provide start ups with full access to our road tested back office systems.

It’s a simple as that.  As a joint venture with us you get full access to, and use of, our back office systems. They are specifically designed for recruitment companies. They are robust and rigorously tested. We update them to meet changing needs and requirements.

And we do all of that ‘behind your back’ if you see what we mean. We get on with that while you’e out front, getting on with the business of growing your business.

A business that we will have supported with 100% risk free funding, shares for you, help with premises and marketing, and the security for you to pay yourself a salary from the outset.

This is a custom made support package that goes beyond financial support. It goes into the back office, because we’re serious about recruitment start ups.


Making the right decision for you

means you’ve got to know about the rights for them.

Right now, the right decision for you could well be to start your own recruitment company.

Experienced, probably running a Temp Desk, and seriously thinking about your future you’re highly likely to be considering the step into business ownership. It’s understandable. You’ve been putting in the effort and delivering what’s required of you but you can’t escape the feeling that the rewards would be higher if you were in control of your own destiny.

It would make sense, as doubtless you’ve considered, to start up by doing what you  do best, and concentrate on temp placements.

But can you be your best when you’re the boss?

Here’s the thing. For all its frustrations, the job you’re doing does have some benefits. For example, the ever changing demands of legislation need constant watching  to ensure that you adhere to the law. And the fact is, that while you know your stuff, there’s probably someone on the team who keeps you up to date. And what’s more, heaven forbid that there is a problem, but if there is, ultimately it’s your employer’s responsibly, not yours personally. As soon as you’re the boss though, you’re where the buck stops.

That can be a problem. Because, as a new start up you’ll want to concentrate more than ever on finding candidates, building relationships with clients and, to put it simply, getting on with the job. But now you’ll have a million other things to do as well. Things that up to now have been done for you. You see the point. How are you going to be the best you can be  when you’re not free to concentrate on what you’re best at?

 You can be your best – when you have the best support.

Starting a business, any business, needs support. Starting a recruitment business needs really specialist support. You’ll need financial backing, and you’ll need an overall package of mentoring, guidance and expertise. A bank will offer – possibly – finance but not expertise. A recruitment expert may well provide knowledge, but not backing. The best support is a combination of both.

Can you get both? At the same time?

It’s a tall order. In effect you’re looking for a venture capital organisation that actually understands recruitment. Which is precisely where we come in.

The Recruit Venture Group.  Our sole purpose is to provide the best possible, specifically designed, overall help to recruitment professionals who want to start their own businesses.

With our backing you will have

  • 100% risk free funding
  • shares in your own company
  • help with legal matters, premises and marketing
  • the ability to pay yourself a salary
  • access to our back office systems.


And if that’s not enough, you’ll have the back up and knowledge we have to keep you up to date and fully compliant with all the latest changes to legislation. Everything you need to know about workers’ rights, pay and contracts will be fed into you. Which means that you can get on with the job of building your own business.

Believe the Barometer

It’s set fair for starting up.

The Q1 2018 Recruitment Sector Barometer seems to be set to ‘fair weather’. With  66% of the contributors to the survey reporting that prospects are better than those of the previous 12 months, and 65% expecting to grow their businesses it would seem that the recruitment sector is in good shape for 2018.

What’s more, profitability is looking good with increased net profits set to rise, along with fee rates. And, the positivity is spread across all the key areas of temp, perm and contract.

This has to be the time to start up your own recruitment business. Doesn’t it?

What could possibly go wrong?

Well, there is still some ‘economic uncertainty’. And availability of candidates is seen as a possible problem. There’s also the worry over a rise in debtor days. What’s new you might say?

So what is new?

Several key things actually. First, it’s still a relatively new year. These are findings from the first quarter. So there’s still time to make this year the year you do it. Start up your own recruitment company. Go solo. Make your mark. Take control of your future.

Secondly, by current standards this level of optimism and positivity is new. It’s a clear indication that the recruitment sector is robust and full of potential.

Most importantly, you’ll always face some level of  ‘economic uncertainty’. The availability off candidates will always be flagged up  as a worry. You know that, and you’ve performed as a recruiter despite all of that.

The other problem is one of rising debtor days. And if that’s the one that’s holding you back from the leap between employe and entrepreneur apply some new thinking.

100% risk free funding and total support is available for you.

Imagine that. 100% funding for your business, risk free to you. That’s the foundation of the package available from The Recruit Venture Group. We specialise in backing recruitment professionals to start on their own. We provide the funding, legal help and guidance on everything form taxation to premises. We help with your marketing. We give you access to our back office systems, ensuring that you’re operational and efficient from the outset.

And we’re there for you all the way. It’s your business,  and you’ll run it. But with our backing, you’ll have several key advantages. The ability to pay yourself a salary for instance, which gives you enormous freedom. The constant presence of a mentor is a great help too. And with our support your finances and cash flow will be able to withstand the pressure. We’ll help with chasing in the cash, removing the worry of debtor days that could plague you if you’re on your own.


Build your future

but not at the risk of your bricks and mortar.

 Starting up your own recruitment business will need  sound financial foundations. Like any business, it will need capital to fund its launch and set up, and sufficient resources to withstand the cash flow pressures of the early days when, typically, the outgoings are  greater than the initial income.

How do entrepreneurs raise money for start ups?

A survey by The British Chambers of Commerce has shown that borrowing from the bank is still the default position. Up to 70% of people going into business approach their local bank for finance.

The conditions applied by the banks are stringent. A sound business plan, a good credit score, a firm valuation of the business, or its potential, are all required. The terms, interest and charges, can be steep, even in these days of a low bank rate. All of that is perhaps understandably cautious. But, their caution goes a stage further.

You won’t get it all from the bank.

Even a really helpful bank manager will probably lend a start up around 60%, maximum, of the funds required. And that’s when the business is an existing one, being bought as a going concern. For a brand new start up the conditions could be tougher still. All of which means you’ll need to find around 40% of the capital yourself.

Many business ‘self help’ books and websites will suggest ‘friends and family’ as a possible source, but in reality that’s not always practical. The fact is though that wherever you source that money from – possibly in another, and more expensive, arrangement with the bank – you’ll need security. And that, very often, means your home.

It’s a worry – when you least need it!

It’s not a great place to be in when you’re starting a new business. Saddled with borrowing and repayments, on top of your existing mortgage and bills, you can soon find yourself in a downward spiral. Worrying about making the repayments for both the domestic and business costs your attention is diverted from the business, which then, inevitably, suffers. It then makes less money, because you’re not focussed on it, which causes more worry.

And the last thing you want to worry about – although it can soon become the first thing on your mind – is losing your home. Because that was the security you put against the loan to finance the business. It’s a vicious circle.

Build your business without risking your home.

At The Recruit Venture Group we look at things differently. Firstly, unlike most bank managers, we specialise in the recruitment business. We understand its pressures and demands. The cash flow demands that your bank manager sees as obstacles, we see as short term problems that will be overcome with a growing customer base.

We also see the need for funding that allows you to operate with focus, and freedom from worry.

100% risk  free funding is available for recruitment start ups. From us.

We have amassed the capital and reserves to provide 100% risk free funding to help recruitment professionals start up on their own. We also provide access to our back office systems, which is something that your bank manager could not provide, but you will need.

We’re there to mentor you too. We know about recruitment, which again, your bank manager probably doesn’t.

And most importantly? Funding from us is not secured against your house.

With freedom from risk, the ability to pay yourself a salary and our committed back up and support you will be able to focus on building your business. And that way, you’ll grow your business.

Do we have conditions?

The short answer is yes. We need to know that you have around five years continuous recruitment experience, and it would be good to know that you’ve headed up a team, or run a desk. Specialist knowledge of a particular sector would be helpful.