Breaking out on your own is a great way to solve the work and life balancing equation

Successful joint ventures can redefine what work-life balance looks like

Contrary to popular opinion, breaking out on your own can be one of the best ways to achieve that elusive work-life balance we all strive for.

There’s no denying that when you launch a business, you need to put in the hours. You can forget your ‘working time directive’ of a 48-hour week – that goes out of the window when you’re an entrepreneur.

But while that’s accepted, many people in salaried roles forget just how many hours they themselves are working.

His previous salaried role as a senior operations manager for a large recruitment company regularly saw him working 80-90-hour weeks.

Not just long hours, but also days spent out on the road, with overnight stays, travelling around the country. He also often disagreed with his bosses’ approach and despite putting in those hours, he had none of the control or, for that matter, earning potential, compared to if he was working 80-90- hour weeks in his own business.


And Andrew knew it.

He contacted The Recruit Venture Group about support for starting his own business and has not looked back. The Carestaff Bureau has taken off and he now finds, because he chose to set up his business close to home, that his work life balance as an entrepreneur is actually better.

Andrew said: “People say you have to put in the hours to run your own business, and you do, but now I have far greater flexibility in life. I have three children so working locally and being able to take time out when needed for family matters is a huge advantage. That’s a huge transformation from what life used to be like.”

People who are contracted to a 37.5 hour, 9am-5.30pm job may already find themselves working much more.

If they perhaps get in at 8am, work through until 6pm, and don’t take much of a lunch break, that soon adds up to about 55 hours per week. Add in a check of the emails in the evenings, and maybe sorting out a few tasks on a Saturday morning and suddenly you might find yourself up around 65-70 hours per week. Already the salaried employee is starting to put in the hours of someone with their own business. Suddenly, making that leap doesn’t sound like such a great departure from what working life is like anyway.

Paul Mizen, Managing Director of The Recruit Venture Group, said: “Sometimes experienced recruiters in salaried positions are worried about the hours that you have to put in to start a business.”

“There’s no doubt that getting a business off the ground takes a lot of time and energy. But what makes The Recruit Venture Group special is our joint venture model which takes away those time consuming ‘back office’ functions like HR, payroll, accounts, marketing, legal and much more.”

“That’s a huge administrative time-saving. We therefore enable the people we support to actually get on with the job they do best – building networks among clients and providing them with the quality candidates they need. The people we have supported to launch their own business – 43 in total – were already working long hours before they got started with us.”

“And when you’re building up a profitable business, it’s surprising how quickly the time flies!”

Andy and Jon at Desk

Not only does The Recruit Venture Group save time by handling the back-office functions, it also provides 100% of the finance to get started, so the only things recruiters need is a few years of experience under their belt and energy and enthusiasm.

Andrew’s Carestaff Bureau business has certainly benefited, with a second office opening within 18 months of launch and is on course to launch another four within the next few years.



We hand you everything you need to succeed

A decade in a day is a great way to describe what we do?

No, I don’t plan on spending the next twenty years of your life, or mine, talking through your business plan. What I am happy to do is listen to your idea for starting up your own recruitment business, and then giving you the benefit of all the experience and knowledge we have here. That amounts to decades of insight, skills, business acumen and wisdom. And it’s all available to you in a day or so’s discussion.

It might sound like a lot to take in, but if you’re a budding entrepreneur in the recruitment sector you really need to put your idea through its paces. And we’ll do that.

It will be a discussion that will cut out the weeks of conversations with banks and lawyers that you’d spend if you tried to go it alone. It will be a discussion with people who really know about business, and the recruitment business.

Once you’re up and running with 100% risk free funding from The Recruit Venture Group, you’re instantly miles ahead. In fact you’ll get another decade or more of experience delivered to you every day. Because with full access to our tried and tested administration systems, and the support of our compliance and legal teams, you’ll be drawing on some of the best minds in the business.

And your mind will be clear, and free to focus on driving your business. Able to concentrate on finding and developing clients you’ll be scaling up your operation from day one.

At The Recruit Venture Group we specialise in helping recruitment professionals start their own businesses. Our Joint Venture model is working for successful start ups all over the country. You could be next.



Here’s some sound advice for you. Mind your own business!

Mind your own business. At first glance I suppose it sounds a bit rude. But honestly, the best advice I can give you if you want a happy and fulfilled life, is to mind your own business. Or to put it another way, run your own business.

Having the autonomy to do things your way, and taking control of your own commercial destiny, are two of the most rewarding objectives you can achieve in life.  They define you. They set you apart as someone who is willing to take the risk, because they can see the rewards. Someone who has ideas, and actually wants to implement them. Someone who makes things happen.

Everything you’ve achieved so far, (which I’m guessing is not to be underrated – but probably is) pales into insignificance against the thrill of launching your own company. Your own logo, your own brand.

In the recruitment sector there are thousands of consultants, some running their own desks, who, every day, think about setting up on their own. Why wouldn’t they? They’re practically running a business anyway, but not seeing the rewards.

At The Recruit Venture Group we help recruitment professionals make the step from employee to employer. 100%, risk free, funding and a package of support that includes access to our back office systems are available now. All you need to do is talk us through your business case and prove to us that you have the drive and desire to do this.

We’ve helped launch over 40 recruitment start ups

We’ve helped launch over 40 recruitment start ups, all over the uk. Every single one of them feeds back that our financial support was essential, and easier to access than a bank loan. All of them acknowledge that our continued support and back up is what made their dream become a reality; free of worry they focussed on growing their businesses.  Not one of them regrets taking the leap into running their own business.

And it really is ‘their business’. Just like it can be your business. We’re there to help, providing advice and services like accountancy and legal guidance, but after that you’re entitled to tell us to mind our own business.


Don’t let perfect become the enemy of progress

In an ideal world, we’d all be perfect. All our business deals would be planned and executed down to the finest detail.

Marketing campaigns, recruitment campaigns and business plans would be put together with military precision, and all aspects of running a company would be taken care of instantly and faultlessly.

However, as most people will realise, we don’t live in an ideal world. In reality, deadlines are sometimes missed, details are overlooked and not all employees perform to their full potential day in, day out.

Company owners who fail to understand that perfection isn’t always possible can actually damage their business and fail to achieve their full professional potential.

 Striving for perfection can make you stressed

One of the most negative aspects of perfectionism is that it can pile a lot of pressure onto your professional life and make you very stressed. If nothing is ever quite right, you’re probably going to end up with a fairly negative view of your business, yourself and the people who work for you.

Instead, focus on doing the best job you can and try to avoid creating unrealistic expectations or ambitions. As long as you’re good at what you do, and have the right backing, achieving your professional goals should be easy.

Perfectionism can stifle growth and creativity

Often, people who strive for perfection can become very risk averse as they fear making mistakes or doing anything that could damage their business. And though no one should take any unnecessary risks when it comes to running a company, a little bit of creativity can make a big difference when trying to make a name for yourself in a competitive industry.

Perfectionism can make it hard to delegate

Perfectionists often find it very difficult to delegate – a trait that can make running a successful business a challenge. Company owners need to be able to trust their employees to do their jobs to the required standard. Being able to let go and delegate important tasks to employees will make bosses less stressed, help the business to run more smoothly and free up owners to focus on growing their company.

 How to achieve your goals without being perfect

 Striving for perfection can be a real achilles’ heel in the world of business. Relinquishing unrealistic expectations and focusing on doing the best job you can is important if you’re going to make a success of your new venture.

The best way to ensure you achieve your business goals is to get the backing of an experienced and dedicated partner – and that’s where we come in. With our team behind you, you’ll be able to build a dynamic and successful enterprise that will likely exceed your expectations and bring you big financial rewards. With our help, there’s no need to settle for second best.

To make your move and start your joint venture adventure, contact the Recruit Venture Group today.

Glynne Dyer reveals the story behind Vanta Staffing

How can you possibly consider starting your own business when you are married with three children, have a mortgage to pay, no savings to draw upon and would be abandoning a solid job?

That is exactly what Glynne Dyer did a year ago when he finally took the plunge after 18 years in recruitment to set up his own agency Vanta Staffing based in Slough.

But Glynne’s new chapter of entrepreneurship is not about him borrowing more than he can afford, putting his house at risk, and living off credit cards month-to-month to keep the wolf from the door.

He launched Vanta Staffing in June 2017 completely risk-free thanks to support from The Recruit Venture Group, which backs new recruitment businesses with 100% of the finance needed for launch, as well as a swathe of back office support to get things up and running.

Glynne said: “I’ll be perfectly honest, with a wife and three kids to take care of as well as a mortgage to pay, there is no way I would have been able to start this new adventure without the help of The Recruit Venture Group.

“Like a lot of people, I was at a stage of my career where I knew that if was ever going to run my own business, I had to do it then. I’m so glad I decided to go through with it.”

The Recruit Venture Group model takes care of not just finance, but all the other essential business functions like payroll, accountancy, marketing, IT, legal and HR. The model is specifically designed to allow talented recruiters to get on with the job they do best – filling vacancies with quality candidates and keeping clients happy.

Glynne’s career story is one of continued success, from starting at the bottom of the recruitment ladder to working his way up to area manager positions, with responsibility for setting up and running whole branches.

But he knew something had to change when, despite taking on more and more responsibility from his employer, he noticed that his pay packet was actually reducing, because he was no longer able to focus on work that would earn him commission.

“It was then I knew something had to change, and I knew deep down that if I had my own business, I would not only have full control of my working day, but also more control over what I earned too,” said Glynne.

It was January 2017 when he had his first meeting with Paul Mizen, Managing Director of the Recruit Venture Group after being put in touch via a colleague.

“Paul was great, and we just had a really useful early chat about the possibilities of me going it alone, and how he could help.

“My wife Charlotte was very against the idea, because of our position with the children and the mortgage, so she came with me to the next meeting. By the time we had finished our conversation with Paul, she was even more excited about the idea than I was!”

Vanta Staffing then launched in June 2017, just six months after Glynne’s initial chat with Paul. Focusing on the industrial, driving and commercial sectors, Glynne says those first six months flew by, getting the business established, making calls and building trust among clients, both old and new.

Vanta now employs six people and turned over twice as much money in 2017 as Glynne was expecting and he now has plans to treble that turnover again for 2018.

Paul Mizen, Managing Director of The Recruit Venture Group, said: “We support 43 businesses just like Glynne’s and I’m delighted to see Vanta Staffing going from strength to strength in just its first 12 months.

“It is so satisfying for the whole Recruit Venture team to see the potential of these talented recruiters unlocked through owning their own business.

“Once we sit down with people and have a chat about how we can support them, like we did with Glynne, you see that fear factor go. That initial trepidation turns into optimism and energy for what their new business might achieve. The 43 businesses that we support daily are testament to the fact that this model really works, and I was delighted when Glynne said he too was ready to take that next step. The results speak for themselves.”

Glynne added: “Nothing quite prepares you for when you walk into your own office on the first day of trading and pick up the phone for the first time. It’s exhilarating and it’s also a little bit scary, but ultimately this journey so far has been so rewarding and I wish I had taken this step sooner.”


How to choose the best joint venture partner for your business

Consider for a moment an all too familiar scenario, someone has made their pitch on Dragons’ Den; and the Dragons like the idea.

One of them – or maybe more – makes an offer.

Suddenly the pitcher, who moments earlier had been desperate to gain funding, is very cautious. They walk away, take a moment to think, and then come back to say ‘thanks but no thanks’.


Because £50,000, say, for 49% of their business, they now think, means ‘giving away’ too much of their business.

That business, at this stage, often is not actually a business at all, but it has huge potential that has just been lost to the world.

Shouting at the TV

At this point, Paul Mizen the managing Director of the Recruit Venture Group – the company behind over 42 successful joint ventures – finds himself shouting at the TV.

“I find it incredible that people think owning 51% of what has the potential to be a multi-million pound successful business is better than owning 100% of a business that’s worth nothing!”

“A good business partner brings more than just money, if you ask any of our joint venture partners I know they will tell you that The Recruit Venture Group certainly does.”

“Why do people get nervous about joint ventures? Probably because they think they’ll lose out on autonomy. Which you won’t – with the right joint venture partner.”

The Recruit Venture Group are the largest joint venture partner of their kind in the UK and give experienced recruiters the chance to work with the team responsible for 43 successful joint venture companies and a team of directors with decades of experience.

So let’s assume that you’re an experienced recruiter.

You know the business. You also know that your career path is probably reaching its zenith.

With experience under your belt, and some time spent running your own desk or team, there are not too many rungs left on the ladder for you to climb.

You also know, that you have had enough of doing all the work for someone else.

You want to be making money for you, your future not the shareholders of your employer.

That desire, to be in control of your own destiny isn’t going to go away any time soon and you need to do something about it.

It is time to go your own way

“But don’t constrain yourself to being a one man band,” adds Paul Mizen.”

“Together we will be able to build a bigger and better business quicker than you could on your own and our support will give you the best possible chance of success.”

“You will have better prospects as a joint venture and our offer is completely risk-free, there is no financial outlay from you, yet it is your business. You are the boss!”

“You get access to more support and more experience with us than any other route and there has never been a better time to break out with the Recruit Venture Group.”


Acceleration and Scalability

In order to build a successful business, you need to have either a lot of time or a lot of money. Traditionally, the two ways to the top were hard work or investment: you could either spend years building your enterprise from the ground up, or you could put money into buying a franchise or launching a new business with considerable resources behind it.

Both of these paths to success have their drawbacks. Working your way to the top can take years, if not decades, and there are never any guarantees you’ll achieve the success you deserve. While choosing to invest money into a business means you run the risk of losing your capital or being tied to the venture until you can recoup your investment.

However, there is a third way. As Danny Parr, a director of The Recruit Venture Group says, “The RV model puts you at the top of your own company immediately.” By giving you the money you need to fully fund your venture and the support you need to make it a success, the model allows you to get to the top quickly and easily.

The gift of time

 One of the most crucial things that The Recruit Venture Group model provides entrepreneurs with is time. If you choose to launch a new business with Recruit Ventures, you’ll be able to draw on the expertise of a team that together has decades of professional experience. Having this wealth of knowledge at your fingertips from day one will help to give your business a real edge over the competition.

As well as placing you one step ahead of other businesses in the industry, having this huge professional resource behind you gives you the opportunity and the freedom to concentrate on front end sales. This allows you to begin working on making your business a success from the get go.


When creating the idea for The Recruit Venture Group, the business minds behind it worked hard to ensure the model was scalable. The resources available to each and every joint venture that the business invests in are vast. The technology, expertise and infrastructure used to support each new business can be easily transferred from one client to the next, ensuring that all entrepreneurs who work with Recruit Ventures have access to the same impressive resources.

Working with Recruit Ventures

 As well as providing the all-important funding for your new business, The Recruit Venture Group provides you with the professional expertise and experience you need to make your business a success. As well as being crucial in the early stages of launching a business, this support can help to ensure your new venture doesn’t hit a glass ceiling as it learns to manage clients, finances and growth.

If you think you have the experience, the talent and the motivation necessary to make it to the top, get in touch with Recruit Ventures to find out more.