Mentor – definition
‘an experienced and trusted adviser’
Something every recruitment start up needs!
It does no harm once in a while to go back to the dictionary to check exactly what a word means. In today’s ‘business speak’ words get used, and sometimes wrongly used, so much that we take them for granted.
Take ‘mentor’ for example. We all sort of know what we mean by it, but how often do we stop to think what it’s real meaning is, or what the value of a mentor really is.
Strip it away from all the jargon of ‘workshops’ and ‘one to one interactive sessions’ and it means quite simply ‘an experienced and trusted adviser’.
If you’re thinking of starting up your own recruitment business wouldn’t you want just such a thing? It would be crazy, as you plan and launch a venture that will define your future, not to have ‘an experienced and trusted adviser’. Wouldn’t it?
And yet, people do it.
Some people, sensibly, take advice. The bank manager is often a first port of call. With the bank manager though you’re probably going to be pitching the idea of your recruitment business which, let’s face it, usually means trying to raise money for it. Bank managers are doubtless trustworthy, and experienced. In banking that is. Not recruitment.
You’ll talk to lawyers of course. (You had realised the legal implications of setting up a business). Again, tick the ‘to be trusted’ box. Ditto the experienced. And ditto the ‘not necessarily experienced in recruitment’ box.
Website builders and graphic designers – well, to be fair, those disciplines don’t necessarily need quite so much specialist recruitment experience. You’ll be paying them for their objectivity; which is fine, but they’re also therefore ruled out of the ‘mentor’ class.
I.T. is different again. You really need the best systems, and with all the general I.T knowledge in the world a provider who knows their business but not the recruitment business will be less than ideal. And not a potential ‘mentor’.
To put it another way, you’re going to need financial, legal, website and design, as well as I.T help, to launch your own recruitment business. All of the people you find and hire (there’s a lot to do, isn’t there?) will, we’re sure, be trustworthy, and experienced.
But can any of them be a mentor? Not in the way we can.
The Recruit Venture Group exists solely to help recruitment professionals set up their own recruitment businesses. We provide financial backing (100% and risk free), we guide you through all the legalities from set up to premises and we help with your website and branding.
As to I.T. we give you access to our back office, which means you’ll be fully operational with specialist recruitment systems from the start.
And the business will be your business. You’ll pay yourself a salary, have shares in the company and draw dividends from it.
But, over and above all of that we will be there for you. We know recruitment, and we know how to set up recruitment companies. From start up to success we will be your ‘experienced and trusted adviser’ – like nobody else can.
If you’ve got five years continuous experience in recruitment, and you’ve spent three of them in a specific sector, we’re here to help.
If you’re serious about starting up your own recruitment business contact us.
Apply Now.