Post-holiday working blues? It’s time to take the ultimate next step in your career

As the holidays draw to a close, many will be feeling those summertime blues ahead of the return to work.

If you feel that end-of-holiday dread, then the chances are you’re not that happy in your work. Experienced recruiters should know more than most how best to find pastures new, but it is amazing how many get stuck in a rut.

But maybe, as we leave the summer behind, it is time, for once, to actually consider your own career, and what you might be capable of.

Many recruiters will have thought about it, and may have seen others do it. I want to tell you today that making that leap to running your own business really is within your grasp.

The Recruit Venture Group was set up because its founders knew there were many recruiters out there with a sound experience of the sector who could easily take the step to running their own enterprise. They are target driven, they exceed expectations, they take responsibility for their performance, but they are being held back, and not reaping the full financial rewards of their efforts.

If there’s one thing holding experienced recruiters back from making that leap to running their own business, I can tell you from experience that it is certainly not drive, it is not talent, it is not the desire to build a business legacy.

What holds people back is doubt. How will I finance this? Will I risk my house and savings? What about all the legal, accountancy and other back office costs of launch?

All of this is completely understandable, and is precisely why The Recruit Venture Group takes care of all those barriers to becoming a recruitment entrepreneur. We liberate you from those stresses and worries to enable you to do what you do best, recruit.

  • We put up 100 percent of the finance you need to start your business. No risk, no borrowing, no remortgaging the house, or stumping up savings. From idea to launch day, your business plan will be funded.
  • We take care of all of the back office functions your business needs. That includes HR, legal and compliance, accountancy and payroll and marketing and PR. This support is ongoing and grows as your business grows.
  • The Recruit Venture Group senior team is made up of talented individuals with decades of experience across a range of areas. That support is available for you from initial enquiry, through to launch and ongoing business growth.

Our joint venture model really is unique – there is nothing like The Recruit Venture Group model out there. This will be your business, your brand, your vision. It will be your talent, hard work and determination that will make this a success, and we support you every step of the way to make those business ambitions a reality.

I’m absolutely passionate about this model, but don’t just take my word for it. The 43 growing businesses with whom we partner are testament to its success. Many of those businesses were started by recruitment professionals, some with just a few years’ experience under their belts, but a real desire to go their own way.

Those who have started with us only have one regret – that they didn’t take the decision to become recruitment entrepreneurs sooner.

If you’ve got the experience and the qualities we’re looking for and want to take control of your career and earning power, then there really is nothing to lose by giving us a call and finding out more.

To paraphrase Eddie Cochran, there really is a cure to those summertime blues!


It’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen

“It’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen.” The words of American entrepreneur and author Scott Belsky.

I’m not given to quoting business ‘gurus’ or collecting those plaques for the office walls. You know the ones. They’re very ‘inspirational’. But, the words of Mr Belsky got me thinking.

Recruitment professionals are renowned for breaking out of the day job to start up their own businesses. It’s a big step of course, but in some ways the shift from running your own desk to running your own business isn’t that great. They’ve pretty much learned how to find clients, match them to candidates, and ‘do the deal’. They know how to hit the targets and make the right impact on the bottom line. It’s just that they’ve become disenchanted by doing it for someone else.

So, if you think about that, for the person likely to start up a recruitment business, the idea is already there.  What it’s all about, is making the idea happen.

The weakest falter at the first hurdle.  They never get started at all. Those with a more determined streak soldier on, for a while. Often, beaten down by bank managers, slowed down by self doubt and, ultimately, pressing the pause button to ‘do it next year’ they put the dream on hold.

And there’s that point again. It’s not that any of them didn’t have the idea. They simply couldn’t make the idea happen.

It’s that concept that’s at the heart of what The Recruit Venture Group do. As Managing Director of The Recruit Venture Group I head up a team whose sole aim is to make recruitment professionals’ ideas, or dreams, of business ownership happen.

Over time we’ve identified what elements are needed to achieve that. We know that finance is key. We provide 100% risk free backing. We know that planning, mentoring and strategic input at the outset is essential. We provide all of that.

Our experience proves without a shadow of doubt that the best possible administrative systems and back office facilities are non negotiable. So we provide those too.

A recruitment business cannot survive unless it has a control of cash flow that borders on the ruthless. We have the people to help with that.

Which brings me full circle. With all of those facilities available what’s stopping you from being the next recruitment professional to turn a dream into a reality?